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The washing machine, a scientific tool of cleanliness

by fringe 2023. 12. 17.

Washing machines are an integral part of our daily lives, but most of us don't know how they work and what natural science theories and technologies go into making them work. In this article, please look inside the washing machine, explore the science and technology behind it, and join us on a journey to better understand this essential appliance in our lives. 

Centrifugal force: the key to washing and dehydrating

Centrifugal force plays one of the most important roles in a washing machine. The centrifugal force generated by the spinning of the drum separates the dirt from the clothes and also removes the water in the final dehydration process. The principle at work here is Newton's laws of motion. As the drum spins, it exerts a large force on the clothes and water, and this force separates the dirt from the water. Newer models use direct-drive motors to precisely control the speed of the drum, allowing for more efficient cleaning and dehydration.

Detergents and chemical reactions

Detergents are chemicals that play a key role in the laundry process. Detergent molecules have an aqueous (water-friendly) structure on one side and an oily (oil-friendly) structure on the other. This allows them to wrap around dirt (most of which is oily) and form a structure called a 'micelle' to disperse it into the water. Detergents thus separate the dirt from the clothes and allow it to dissolve in the water, enabling the washing process. 

Thermostat and thermodynamics

The thermostatic function of a washing machine is rooted in the principles of thermodynamics. In particular, washing at the right temperature significantly increases the efficiency of decontamination. This is due to the chemical principle that the rate of chemical reactions depends on temperature. Warmer water removes dirt better because the temperature increases the rate of molecular motion of the dirt, which improves its interaction with the detergent. 

Smart washing machines and AI

Many modern washing machines are connected to artificial intelligence (AI) technology. AI algorithms select the optimal wash mode based on a variety of factors, including your usage patterns, fabric type, and level of soiling. This improves energy efficiency and laundry quality at the same time. 

Manufacturing process and materials engineering

The washing machine manufacturing process requires a variety of equipment and materials. Key components, such as the drum, must meet a variety of requirements, including durability and corrosion resistance, so the principles of materials engineering are applied in equipment design and material selection. For example, stainless steel drums are widely used for their safety, durability, and eco-friendly properties, and these decisions all come from solving complex engineering problems. 



Washing machines are one of the essential appliances in our daily lives, but there's a lot of complex science behind them. Centrifugal force, chemical reactions, temperature control, and many other natural scientific theories and technologies combine to make it possible for us to get our clothes clean. These technologies also play an important role in the manufacturing process. In this article, we've learned about how washing machines work and what scientific principles are at work behind them. We now have a new perspective and understanding of washing machines, rather than just seeing them as machines that clean our clothes.